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Attaining the fine balance between conserving our rich heritage and meeting the complex social, economic, cultural, and aesthetic demands of today’s built environments is a challenge.

At Planning Matters, we are able to achieve this balance by drawing upon skills and expertise in design, archaeology and building conservation.

Our deep respect and understanding of the importance of maintaining the historic environment, preserving old buildings and the local heritage, underpins many of the planning solutions we create.

One key element in safeguarding our heritage is achieved by reflecting current environmental concerns within our designs. Wherever feasible we incorporate in the internal structure the most sustainable building materials alongside modern technology. This enables us to satisfy the requirements of both heritage, progress and the environment.

Listed buildings, conservation management, conservation area appraisals and environmental impact assessments are all within our scope.

From preserving our rich contemporary heritage, to the refurbishing of old buildings, right through to the restoration of architecturally important listed buildings, Planning Matters can produce designs that are sustainable, work for people and communities today, whilst remaining acutely aware of our precious architectural heritage.